Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Ork Unit Analysis: Warboss

The Warboss!

The warboss is the first  unit I will be analysing for the Ork codex, because it is the first in the book!
The way in which you use your warboss will differ based on your specific army, though there as some very clearly defined dos and donts for every bodies warboss.

Lets start off with some notable stats, 60 Points, WS5, S5, T5, W3, A4, Ld9
The most notable of these is the Toughness 5, this means insta killing is gonna be a hell of a lot harder than on say, a space marine captain. The biggest let down here is Ld9, for the leader of your entire army, you would expect Ld10, but we can't have everything, right?

A special rule that the warboss confers to the entire army is the "Waaagh!"special rule, this allowes your ENTIRE army to, once per game, run and charge in the same turn, so a bit of maths. 6" movement in transport, disembark 6", run ~4" and then charge ~7", giving you an average of 23" movement a turn, max of 30" a turn!

The warboss comes with a 6+ save base, this can be upgraded to either a 4+ or a 2+, however, you cannot take a 2+ whilst on a bike. The warboss will most regularly be taken in either a Green tide or Kult of Speed lists, so here is the options best suited to either.

Green Tide
A warboss taken in a green tide will most likely be built for both brutality and survivability. This means mega armor will be the best option, however, keep in mind the unit he is with cannot run whilst he is with them due to his slow and purposeful special rule. When looking at survivability, a cybork body should be considered, giving the warboss a 6+ FnP, which will not usually be cancelled out by double toughness as he is T5 base. But the most important thing for any warboss, built for survivability or not, is the relic Da Lukky Stikk, this is perhaps the best relic in the entire game! It gives +1 WS to the warbosses unit and allows the Warboss to re-roll anything! To hit, to wound, armor saves, cover saves, invuln saves, the lot! In essence, the Lukki Stikk gives you a 2+ rerollable armor save, making you fairly brutal! The best unit for a Green Tide warboss to go with is either Boyz or Nobz, (I run mine with boyz) I say this because Boyz are a very cheap meatshield for the warboss while still being able to back him up in combat. For extra brutality, stick him and his unit in a Battlewagon, making them probably the most powerful unit in your army. I would adivse against giving the warboss any weapon except for the power klaw which comes with his mega armor, this is because the power klaw strikes at S10 Ap2, and even though it is unwieldy, will still cause a lot of hurt to anything it comes near. The one major drawback of this build is the complete lack of an invuln save, something common across many an ork army. You could stick a big mek with kustom force field with them, though the points really start to stack up.

Kult of Speed
A warboss taken with a  Kult of Speed will nearly always be on a warbike, a good relic to take for this is 'Warboss Gazbag's Blitzbike', a bike which has a built in pair of dakka blasters which give out 3 Strength 6 Ap3 shots. All bikes (including this relic) give the rider a 4+ armour save and +1 cover save when they turbo boost, meaning a 3+ jink save. A mounted warboss can either be taken as a ranged or melee character, but, as always, I am an advocate for the melee version of the warboss. The two most obvious choices for a mounted warboss would be a power klaw, striking at S10 Ap2, or in this case, the relic "Headwoppa's Killchoppa", which is a S+2 Ap5 rending, 6's are ID melle weapon. Remember if you combine this with the Lukky Stikk you can re-roll if you do not roll any 6's, meaning the chances of ID are high! If, however, you wanted to take a shooty variant of this warboss, consider taking the relic 'Da Dead Shiny Shoota', which is an assault 6, twin linked shoota. This will give the warboss a huge amounts of shots each turn, and given his speed on a bike, can put those shots where they hurt the most. The best unit to take this warboss in is obviously a warbiker mob, these squads can be up to 15 in strength, making them perhaps the most threatening unit in the entire codex. A warbiker mob can have 4 attacks each on the charge, not including hammer of wrath, that means 60 attacks for the unit, 75 with HoW included.

As you can see, warbosses have the potential to be very brutal, though the lack of invuln saves can make them quite squishy. I would not recommend taking a warboss in a Mek list or Dakka based list as neither will benefit from the Waaagh special rule. Warbosses are primarily melee characters, meaning a Dakka based list will find little use for them.

Hope that was at least a bit helpful!

-Christian (Da greenest warboss dere eva was)

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