Kaptin Badrukk
Next up is the Freeboota King, Kaptin Badrukk. Before we go any further, can I just give a massive kudos to Games Workshop for this absolutely fantastic model, I wouldn't be alone in saying this is the best infantry model in the Ork range, and that's saying something, Ork models are awesome!
Badrukk is the leader of the Freeboota clan, which are essentially space pirate orks, awesome eh? Badrukk is obsessed with being the richest Ork there ever was and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. Badrukk is described as a tactical genius (by Ork standards) and thusly is highly sought after by Ork commanders as a mercenary, though he is by no means cheap!
Coming in at 110 points, Badrukk is quite frankly a letdown rules-wise, I would describe him as average at best. His statline is that of a Nob's with an extra attack and WS5. An interesting thing to take note of is his armor, he is the only model in the Ork codex to have a 3+ armor save, this comes from his armor which is a set of power armor with a built in shield generator, giving him a 5++ invulnerable save, something we all know Orks lack.
Badrukk has no notable special rules, though his warlord trait allows him to reroll a single failed saving throw each turn. For wargear he has a slugga and choppa, stikkbombs, a bosspole and a gitfinda. This is pretty ordinary stuff, but the gitfinda does give him BS3 if he stays stationary, which is always nice for a shooty character.
Other than his armor, Badrukk also wields a heavily modified Ogryn gun, which fires plasma canisters instead of the regular high caliber bullets. The gun is 24", S7, Ap2, Assault 3, Gets Hot. While having potential BS3, I still think this gun is less than average, if it were S8 it would be completely worth it, though the inability to instakill most things and its short range are real letdowns. Badrukk can also bring up to 3 ammo runts for 3 points each which allow him to re-roll a single failed to hit, though they are one use only.
If I were to take Badrukk (Which I wouldn't) I would most likely stick him in either a Trukk or Battlewagon with a unit of Flash Gitz, this gives him the ability to get to where he is needed, though is does render the gitfinda useless, as he will most likely always be on the move. A unit of flash gitz and Badrukk inside of a Battlewagon could be potentially very effective, lots of potential ap 1, 2 or 3 all at assault 3 and strength 5, with Badrukk at strength 7. A maxed out unit of flashgitz with badrukk are putting out 33 shots a turn, most of those at Strength 5 ap D6, which could potentially be very scary, or scarily disappointing. Such a unit would have the ability to gun down an entire squad of terminators, though there is the potential to roll poorly and not kill a single one with Ap3 or worse.
All in all I would not recommend bringing Badrukk in any Ork army unless for fluff purposes. He is relatively expensive for what he does, which could be potentially killing himself with his own weapon. For the 110 points you could take nearly 2 more squads of boyz, or a Deff dread or some Killa Kanz, all far more useful.
-Christian (The kingliest king that ever was king)
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