Saturday 13 June 2015


Hello there, welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I'm Christian, I live in Adelaide Australia and for the last year, I have been deeply engrossed in the Games Workshop hobby scene. I am primarily a 40k player, though I do have a small Fantasy force. I love to talk to people about my hobby, so I see no reason NOT to start a small blog, even if nobody looks at it! Over the coming periods, I will be discussing many things, such as building, painting, army lists, tactics and of course general stuff about the hobby. I will try and put heaps of photos of my armies up to keep things interesting as well as picture based battle reports of games I play against my friends!

I am a pretty casual gamer, I do not play to win and none of my lists are super competitive. I love every aspect of the Games Workshop Hobby (Collecting, modelling, playing, socializing) and I will try to write as much down as possible. I look forward to continuing this blog for at least a few months, if not years, and I will do my best to keep it as up to date as possible. I am contactable through gmail and hotmail (email adresses should appear on the right hand column) and I would love to have some discussions about Warhammer or the hobby in general!


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