Saturday 13 June 2015

My Orks!!!

So the first proper post I will put up here is one about my Orks! While they are not my first or main army, they are the army I have the most fun with! They were the first army that I bought systematically. My first army, my space marines, I would buy whatever I could whenever I could, ending up with a very poor list indeed. So with my Orks I had a 2000 point list written and bought to that, no more, no less. My army list can be found here and I will be doing a very detailed run down of exactly what orks are, how to start an army and the pros and cons of each unit.

My Ork Army (Excuse the mess in the background, old photo)

Orks are an extremely fun army to both paint and play, the randomness of it all gives the battle a few fun twists and there is nothing better than watching the look of sheer terror on your opponents face when ~30 boyz jump out of their trukks to smash full pelt into their precious little 'umies. And then you scatter with your killkannon and kill an entire squad of your own boyz, all part of the fun eh?

I will follow this post up with a variety of fluff/gaming posts that will help you become 'da bestest warboss dere eva waz!'

- Christian

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